Think Tank
Europe Future Forum
16 September 2024
2 May 2023
On 9 May at 9 AM, Visegrad Insight cordially invites you to a discussion on the current landscape of the Republican party in terms of the next presidential election and what a victory could mean for CEE.
We welcome Kim R. Holmes, an author and former American diplomat and Assistant Secretary of State, who also served as Executive Vice-President of the Heritage Foundation, who will sift through the Republican candidates for our CEE audience. The discussion will also be linked to the shifting nature of defence in the CEE region, with the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and a potential Republican isolationist turn helming the White House in 2024.
Comments and a discussion will be led by Wojciech Przybylski, editor-in-chief of Visegrad Insight – Res Publica Foundation, focusing on the key debates surrounding the strategic autonomy of the EU and the place of CEE in this global restructuring.
The meeting is expected to last 60 minutes and will take place at Res Publica’s offices at Galczynskiego 5 in Warsaw. Register here: