Scenario-building Workshops

Building #EaP2030 Scenarios on Practical Experience

28 June 2020

The scenarios of the Eastern European Futures report stem from workshops and this format continues to engage new generations.

As the Eastern Partnership has entered its second decade, challenging questions remain and arise as to the future of Eastern Europe. Want to know more about the scenarios for Eastern Partnership 2030? Read our report Eastern European Futures.


23-25 October 2019, scenario-building workshops in Warsaw

Eastern Partnership 2030

Eastern Partnership 2030

Eastern Partnership 2030

14-15 November 2019, scenario-building workshops in Tbilisi

Eastern Partnership 2030

Eastern Partnership 2030

Eastern Partnership 2030

Eastern Partnership 2030

Eastern Partnership 2030

27-29 November 2019, scenario-building workshops in Prague

Eastern Partnership 2030

Eastern Partnership 2030



This article is part of a project co-financed by the International Visegrad Fund and the German Marshall Fund of the U.S.


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