Event: How Can the V4 Even Continue?

Visegrad Insight Event

24 May 2022

Join our event on 30 May 2022 at 14:00 CET about the future shape of V4 cooperation

Join our conversation with Vít Dostál (Research Center Director at the Association for International Affairs) and Zoltán Kész (Director of Operations at Civitas Institute). The discussion centers on the importance of Visegrad cooperation, its shape in the near future, and how it can actually continue to be a viable advocacy group for CEE countries. Critics and supporters of Visegrad cooperation are on both sides: it’s either an omnipotent battering ram against the ‘Brussels dictate’ or a union that pushes us somewhere into the steppe of Siberia. This event pins these opposite opinions on one another to offer the chance at realizing a positive agenda.

Some of the broader questions that will be addressed during the panel discussion:

  • Does a V4exit help any in the group?
  • Is V4 still relevant?
  • What are the convergences and divergences for the V4 members?
  • How can CEE find its voice and interests through the V4 group?

The meeting will take place on 30 May 2022 at 14:00 – 15:00 CET, online (via Zoom).

To receive the Zoom link, please register here:

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