Think Tank
Europe Future Forum
16 September 2024
1 May 2021
A joint project on inter-regional connections implemented by V4 organisations.
Although the Visegrad Group is perceived as a strong regional player, it has not been very successful in building broader coalitions, even regarding topics it considers to be a priority. This position may result from insufficient communication with other multilateral regional platforms within the EU.
It is in the V4 interest to be actively involved in cooperation with other regional groupings and create V4+ coalitions and thus positively contribute to the future of the EU.
The project intends to build inter-regional connections across the EU through connecting V4 and other regional expert networks and thus research concrete potential for the future EU coalitions.
Watch the video summary of the expert conference here: Conference “The Future of Europe. What Role for Visegrad Cooperation?”
This project is implemented by the Association for International Affairs (AMO, Czechia). The project partners are Visegrad Insight (Res Publica Foundation, Poland), Slovak Foreign Policy Association (SFPA, Slovakia), and the Centre for Euro-Atlantic Integration and Democracy (CEID, Hungary).
This project is supported by the International Visegrad Fund.
Vendula Karásková, Project Manager, AMO,
Tetiana Poliak-Grujić, Operations Manager, Res Publica Foundation,