Economy & Tech
Why Hasn’t Russia’s Wartime Economy Gone Bankrupt? Fuelled by Stimulus, Sustained by Uncertainty
31 January 2025
Always a step behind my husband, noiseless, invisible, but extremely important for the Orthodox Church in Poland. ‘Matuszki’ — wives of Orthodox clergy — are women institutions and servants of the Church.
From every window of Joanna’s apartment, you can see the church where her husband is the chaplain. She has been a mother for eleven years. They met while studying at the Christian Theological Academy in Warsaw. When they graduated Joanna left city life without hesitation and followed her husband. She was born in a small town as the daughter of a ‘Batiuszko’ (orthodox priest). As a child, she fell asleep to the Orthodox psalms that her mother sang.
‘When I got married, I was aware of all the related obligations, although I did not think that my every step would be judged by the parishioners. Each one of my careless comments or actions — all of this can come back to haunt me.
Contrary to popular belief, it is not surprising. According to the eighth-century canons of Orthodoxy — which is the law of the Church — every act or word of the matuszka also affects her husband.‘