Economy & Tech
Why Hasn’t Russia’s Wartime Economy Gone Bankrupt? Fuelled by Stimulus, Sustained by Uncertainty
31 January 2025
16 December 2021
With the help of the Just Transition Fund, the city of Ústí nad Labem plans to change into a modern region of education, innovation and the creative industry.
Luboš Palata: A few days ago, you opened the House of Arts in Ústí nad Labem, the reconstruction of which — largely paid for by EU funds — cost 50 million. What will the House of Art bring to the city and the entire Ústí nad Labem region?
Michal Koleček: The House of Art is part of the Faculty of Art and Design of the Jan Evangelista Purkyně University. The university plays a key role in the processes that have already begun in Ústí nad Labem and in the entire Ústí nad Labem region, both through political decisions and the activities of local civil society.
But they are also linked to global change and are also part of the European Union’s programs and policies. They are manifested mainly in the decline of coal mining. All this together results in the university’s key role in the transformation process that awaits us in the coming period. A process that will not be simple and that will mean fundamental structural change.