Event: Visegrad Insight Breakfast – Economic security in Central and Eastern Europe

Closed-door expert discussion at Visegrad Insight premises in Warsaw

4 October 2024

On 3 October 2024, Visegrad Insight hosted embassy representatives, experts and journalists to discuss Economic security in Central and Eastern Europe.

The economic security landscape is changing rapidly. Military and hybrid conflicts, climate change events and technological acceleration have marked the end of the globalist strategy that propelled the last 30 years of Europe’s prosperity.

The EU’s economic security strategy adjustments mirror similar steps taken by many Western partners, including the US, UK, Australia, Japan and South Korea.

During the meeting, we reviewed the economic security strategies of these countries, aiming to identify practices that Poland and other Central and Eastern European countries can adopt in their own economic security strategies.

One of the voices raised during the conversation highlighted, among other things, the issue of Poland’s strategic disconnection. There is a lack of debate in the country about including an approach to China in its economic strategy.

Looking more broadly at the countries of the region, it should be noted that significantly less money is spent on research in Central and Eastern Europe. This naturally reduces our economic competitiveness.

See the photoshoot below:


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