Austria’s Far-Right Gains Foothold: A Warning for European Democracies – COMMENTARY
9 January 2025
22 February 2022
No is an intuitive and probably rational answer to the question from this article’s headline.
Why would Slovakia leave NATO? The country only joined in 2004 after the catching-up process that followed the era of the populist-authoritarian-kleptocratic regime of Prime Minister Vladimír Mečiar and his Movement for Democratic Slovakia (HZDS) and its allies.
The problem is that if you look at the current debate in Slovakia, it’s hard not to ask the question if some future government might decide it’s time to leave NATO.
Why? First, check the polls. Yes, they can vary. Some showed that the support for NATO among Slovaks increased a bit. But a big survey commissioned by the Alliance before the Summit in June 2021 indicates that citizens of Slovakia care very little about NATO.