Economy & Tech
Only Further European Integration Can Save the Green Deal
14 January 2025
Did Viktor Orbán simply appoint a shadow cabinet member to get EU funds, or does he really intend to completely restructure the supervision of the domestic spending of funds expected from the European Union, which the EU is withholding to this day?
What will be the role of Tibor Navracsics now that he’s returned to the government and what will be the role of the equally experienced returnee, János Lázár in ensuring that Hungary gets access to funds that have mainly not been brought home so far due to corruption concerns? We have looked at how the new government structure might shape EU relations and, most importantly, the reduction of concerns about the rule of law.
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On paper, Viktor Orbán entrusted a significant role to two of his tried and tested men when he formed his fifth government — the fourth with two-thirds parliamentary support. He tasked Tibor Navracsics and János Lázár with overseeing the implementation of public investments using EU funds. In this role, they will obtain, negotiate, and renegotiate grants and loans that the EU still has not paid out. They will be responsible for making sure that the money is spent in a way that is above reproach – at least on the surface. This appointment is more significant because the European Commission approved Poland’s recovery plan on Wednesday, leaving Hungary as the only country whose plan has yet to be endorsed by the executive body of the EU.