Budapest Debate

Hosted by Political Capital

13 October 2018

On October 12, Political Capital think tank organised a public presentation and a debate on the five scenarios. This is our photo-story

Hungarian launch of the report “Central European Futures. Five Scenarios for 2025” was opened by Péter Krekó, director, Political Capital who underlined how much future oriented debate is needed in Hungary. Then, Joerg Forbrig, senior transatlantic fellow, Central and Eastern Europe, GMF Berlin and Wojciech Przybylski, editor-in-chief of Visegrad Insight, chairman of Res Publica Foundation explained the nature and outcomes of the scenario building exercise. A lively discussion with the audience, including several ambassadors, diplomats, politicians and journalists lasted for over an hour and was chaired by Veszna Wessenauer, Political Capital.

Joerg Forbrig, Veszna Wessenauer
Wojciech Przybylski
Péter Krekó
Veszna Wessenauer

Central European Futures, Budapest, 12 October 2018 Venue: TRIP

Click here to download the report for free
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