Information Sovereignty
The Battle for Czech Voters: Manipulation and Propaganda at the Gates
12 March 2025
15 June 2020
Numerous families and individuals living a life trapped between high living expenses and mounting extortion proceedings. Promises of making the system of private bailiffs and property extortion more just or ending it altogether have been skilfully exploited by populist politicians.
Populist politics in the Visegrad countries make heavy use of the protest vote, disillusionment with levels of corruption and the state’s failure to secure decent living conditions for its population.
Work in the black market and job insecurity, in general, are not only widespread problems for the more viable development of societies and economies across the region. These pressing social issues are also posing a challenge to the idea of democratic and united European Union.
An acclaimed Czech journalist Saša Uhlová has reported on numerous families and individuals living a life trapped between paying for living necessities while being stripped of property by mounting extortion proceedings.