Women Strike Back

Turning Polish Society Upside Down

9 November 2020

The Polish Constitutional Court’s judgment on legal abortion has brought both women and young people onto the streets. Unleashing dormant energy, the protests have also initiated a discussion about the position of women and youth in Polish society.

As with Mikhail Bulgakov, the inevitable has already happened, Anushka has already spilt the oil, according to one of the already famous protest slogans. Only not everyone has realised it yet.

The presumptuous powers do not even try to avoid the fatal fate that will inevitably befall the outdated model of the state, the Church and society.

Women’s October revolution

On 22 October, the politicised Constitutional Court issued a judgement according to which the law permitting legal abortion in the case of foetal defects or disease is ruled as inconsistent with the Polish constitution.


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Gabriela Rogowska

Translator and Supporting Editor of Res Publica Nowa and Visegrad Insight. A graduate of cultural studies (Mediterranean studies) and philosophy at the University of Warsaw.


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