Economy & Tech
Trump, Orbán and the Grey Economic Security Rhino
21 January 2025
15 March 2022
Europe needs Hungarian Christian democrats to stand up to the crony political capitalism propagated by Putin’s puppets.
On Tuesday 15 March, the leader of the Polish opposition and former President of the EU is set to take the stage at the opposition’s rally in Budapest. He should bluntly call out his former EPP ally for cosying up to Putin or risk his appearance serving Mr Orbán’s PR as a useful sideshow.
A week earlier two important meetings took place between leaders of the European right. The prime ministers of the Visegrad Group came to London at the invitation of Boris Johnson. Meanwhile, in Przemyśl, mayor Wojciech Bakun (Kukiz ′15) received Matteo Salvini, leader of the Northern League, as expected — on Women’s Day he was the only one to behave like a man, standing up for those fleeing Russian bombs and showing the Putin lickspittle his place.
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