Rule of Law
PiS Turns Legal Troubles Into a Political Weapon to Attack the Polish Government – QUICK TAKE
6 February 2025
Money is high on the agenda in all of the V4 countries, whether it concerns future EU spending, anti-money laundering rules or a mayoral appeal for direct support. However, the region should not forget about longterm investment in vocational training and a skilled workforce.
A recent story about a “Free Cities Pact” between the mayors of the Visegrad Group countries has led to the first initiative in Brussels. Earlier this week, the mayors of Warsaw, Bratislava, Prague and Budapest presented in the EU capital their ambitious agenda.
Dziś rozmawialiśmy z @TimmermansEU o bezpośrednim finansowaniu z unijnych funduszy projektów związanych z walką z ociepleniem klimatycznym. Dla @warszawa najważniejsze są dodatkowe fundusze na bezemisyjny transport publiczny, termomodernizację, likwidację kopciuchów oraz OZE.