Economy & Tech
International Relations
China’s Strategic Ambitions and Ukraine: A Balancing Act Amidst Global Shifts
28 August 2024
13 December 2021
In the lead up to this year’s Eastern Partnership (EaP) Summit we ask what has been achieved and what could be in store for the EU’s eastern neighbours.
We are now at an important junction for the future of our Eastern Partnership with the summit taking place on 15 December. The current geopolitical situation in the region remains challenging, with unresolved conflicts, the situation in Belarus, the energy crisis in Moldova and the Russian military build-up on the Ukrainian border. Furthermore, we are all exposed to the consequences of Covid.
This shows once again how important it will be to use the upcoming summit to manifest our unity, solidarity and a strong commitment to the Eastern Partnership as a provider of regional stability and prosperity. The summit will also give a strategic outlook for our closer cooperation, in order to respond to these global and regional challenges.
Our renewed vision for the Eastern Partnership, outlined in the Joint Communication in March 2020, followed by a Joint Staff Working Document in May 2021, will be endorsed by the Leaders at the Summit.