Information Sovereignty
Are Civil Society Organisations the Canary in the Digital Coal Mine?
13 September 2024
9 April 2020
As the world braces itself for the rapidly descending economic hit to come, a review and reinforcement of media structures cannot be overlooked. Only resilient business models and a healthy public sphere will maintain information sovereignty for democracies.
In the first three weeks of the COVID19 pandemic, there was a massive inflation of narratives, later identified as of Russian or of Chinese origin, that preyed on the initial confusion and fear in democratic societies.
These narratives were neither innovative nor elaborative. It was the old rusty talk about an inept democratic West and the might of autocratic efficiency in the East. This talk was multiplied by the usual suspects, disappearing day-old websites, WhatsApp groups that have mushroomed here are there and the ever-predictable Russia Today (RT), Sputnik and the like.
Unfortunately, there were also powerful voices of dissent initiated, from within the West, that led to such narratives.