Think Tank
Europe Future Forum
16 September 2024
18 March 2022
New call for the next cohort of Future of Ukraine Fellows at Visegrad Insight, Res Publica Foundation is open until 31 March 2023.
To address the humanitarian crisis stemming from the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Visegrad Insight, Res Publica Foundation will use all of its proceeds from subscriptions to our website to establish three paid, full-time editorial positions as part of the Future of Ukraine Fellowship for a six-month period.
We are looking for:
Our offer:
How to apply:
The dreadful events in Ukraine have forced all of us to rethink the main tenets of security, the importance of democratic values, and the right for a free nation to defend its sovereignty. As the Russian invasion continues to displace millions of Ukrainians — along with thousands of victims of the war — we are left with hundreds and thousands of untold stories and lost narratives that have been missing from mainstream accounts of recent events.
To showcase the bravery and resilient spirit of the Ukrainian people during these troubling times, Visegrad Insight has established the Future of Ukraine Fellowship that will give space to Ukrainian voices who will tell the lost stories of displaced and vulnerable Ukrainians. As disinformation persists in the media infosphere, there is a demand for strong voices who will take a more human-centred approach to the ongoing events in Ukraine.
We call upon all of our subscribers, readers, and partners to donate to this fellowship program to help Ukrainians be the leading voices of the untold stories behind and beyond the Russian invasion of Ukraine and cover topics the war might have interrupted.
Our dedication to the future of democratic Ukraine has been manifested already by:
Fellows and team from Ukraine
Project examples with Ukrainian partners:
Our focus on Ukraine:
Visegrad Insight is the main Central European platform of debate and analysis that generates future policy directions for Europe and transatlantic partners. It was established in 2012 by the Res Publica Foundation – a non-partisan think tank in Warsaw. It has been funded independently by a broad array of sponsors and partners like the National Endowment for Democracy, European Commission, European Parliament, Visegrad Fund, MFA Poland, UK FCDO, German Marshall Fund, Google, ERSTE, Meta as well as a growing number of subscribers.